research OddObjects Unsupervised anomaly detection on COCO-style masked objects, comparison of results using various state-of-the-art deep autoencoders CovidAI Automatic Covid19 detection using patient lung X-rays, implemented with ResNet152 transfer learning on a PyTorch framework DecentralizedRL Decentralized temporal-difference reinforcement learning over randomly reshuffled topology Pathfinder Search Strategy analysis and more for spatial navigation data in rodents work VizEDA Exploratory data analysis tool that helps to visualize and improve complex computer vision COCO-datasets ChatbotAnalytics Exploratory data analysis and interactive model-understanding and evaluation tool for chatbot training data and feedback fun RoboCritic Prediction of IMDb movie ratings purely from plot summaries using Google’s Universal Sentence Encoder, modern NLP techniques, and a deep neural net HotSpot Easily practice social distancing by seeing the busiest crowds in town - and avoiding them Relevents A social event organization and exploration app, connecting university clubs to students with a personalized event-feed EpidemicMatrixCompletion Recovery and prediction of missing and incomplete epidemiological data using matrix completion and low-rank SVD